explicit self type – Matt Malone's Old-Fashioned Software Development Blog https://oldfashionedsoftware.com Mon, 02 Oct 2017 05:56:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.3 Self Help https://oldfashionedsoftware.com/2009/12/10/self-help/ https://oldfashionedsoftware.com/2009/12/10/self-help/#respond Thu, 10 Dec 2009 05:54:52 +0000 http://oldfashionedsoftware.com/?p=17 I recently began writing, as an exercise, some unit of measure code in Scala. I saw a headline in my newsreader some months ago about a Scala library for handling units of measure and I made a point NOT to read it because it sounded to me like an interesting problem and I wanted to first take a stab at it myself and then compare my solution to the one from the article and maybe even write my own article on my solution.

In the course of trying out a couple of designs I encountered a situation I wasn’t sure how to handle. I wanted an abstract class called Dimension which would encapsulate a measurement in some unit and I wanted to create several subtypes extending Dimension such as Length, Time, Mass, Temperature, etc. All Dimensions should be able to sum together, but only with their own kind. For example, 1 meter + 2 feet should give 1.6096 meters and 1 kilogram + 500 grams should give 1.5 kilograms. However, it makes no sense to add 30 seconds and 45 degrees Celsius. I wanted to arrange the types in such a way that a user of the library would not have the option of adding dimensions of two different types.

Here’s my initial code:

  abstract class Dimension(val value: Double, val name: String, val coef: Double) {
    def +(x: Dimension): Dimension
    override def toString(): String = value + " " + name

  class Time(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double) extends
  Dimension(value, name, coef) {
    def +(x: Dimension): Time= new Time(value + coef * x.value / x.coef, name, coef)

  class Length(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double) extends 
  Dimension(value, name, coef) {
    def +(x: Dimension): Length= new Length(value + coef * x.value / x.coef, name, coef)

You can see the Dimension class declares an addition operator to satisfy our requirement that all Dimensions must be additive. No surprises so far.

The Time and Length classes extend Dimension and are concrete, so they must implement the addition operator. The operators have the same signature as the one from Dimension except for the return type. When creating a subtype, we are allowed to narrow the return types, so I made them more specific. Time.+ returns not merely a Dimension as in the supertype but a Time. Parameters, on the other hand, can only have their types widened in subtypes, so they remain Dimension. This is because the return type is a covariant position and the parameter type is a contravariant position. If you don’t know what variance is, I have an article on it.

This code has two main weaknesses. First, a developer subclassing Dimension is trusted to return the same type as the class. That is to say, a developer could write:

  class Length(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double) extends 
  Dimension(value, name, coef) {
    def +(x: Dimension): Time = new Time(value + coef * x.value / x.coef, name, coef)

The developer could mix the types! This would return an unexpected and nonsensical result. The second and much more serious weakness is that a user of the library doesn’t have to pass a Length to Length.+. The user could write:

  val sum = new Length(10.0, "meters", 1.0) + new Time(10.0, "seconds", 1.0)

Nothing is stopping him from doing this.

What I wanted was a Dimension class that enforced some additional rules on its descendants. Dimension should dictate not only that all its subtypes must implement the addition operator but also that the operator should only accept a parameter of the same type as the class in which it is defined and that the operator should also return that same type. In short, I wanted to force all subtypes of Dimension to look like this:

  class X(...) extends Dimension(...) {
    def +(x: X): X = ...

Learning to Accept Yourself (As a Parameter)

As I considered the problem I pretty quickly noticed a similarity to a basic Scala trait: scala.Ordered. Ordered[A] is used primarily in sorting. By mixing in Ordered, you can define an ordering for any class. The reason I thought of ordered is that includes the abstract method “compare (that : A) : Int”. This method compares “this” to “that”. In other words, it takes a parameter that it is able to compare with itself, which is *usually* a parameter of the same type. Here’s a typical use of Ordered[A]:

class Student(val lastName: String, val firstName: String) 
  extends Ordered[Student]
  def compare(that: Student) = 
    (lastName + "," + firstName).compare(that.lastName + "," + that.firstName)

That’s close to what I want, but not quite. Ordered[A] allows you to implement a class that can be compared to itself, but it doesn’t require it. You could implement “class Apples extends Ordered[Oranges]”, literally comparing apples and oranges. So this arrangement (a parameterized class or trait in which the subtypes specify themselves as the type parameter) allows, but does not enforce, the structure that I want. So Ordered[A] provides a clue, but not the complete solution.

Becoming Self Aware

The missing piece is a little-known Scala construct called the explicit self type. It is a way of specifying what type the “this” reference must have. The Scala-lang website has an article explaining another situation in which explicit self types are useful: specifying that within a class “this” should refer to an abstract variable type.

Here’s a very simple example of how explicit self types work. Here’s a base trait called TraitA and two traits that make use of TraitA. TraitB1 uses an explicit self type to denote that “this” must be of type TraitA, and TraitB2 uses extends to inherit from TraitA.

trait TraitA {
  def t1(): String

trait TraitB1 {
  self: TraitA =>
  def t2(): String = "TraitB1.t2 !" + t1() + "!"

trait TraitB2 extends TraitA {
  def t2(): String = "TraitB2.t2!" + t1() + "!"

TraitB1 and TraitB2 are exactly alike except for the way they gain access to the t1() method. Here’s an interpreter session in which we create some classes that extend these traits.

scala> class Class1 extends TraitB1 {
     |   def t1() = "Class1.t1"
     |   override def toString() = "Class1: " + t1() + " " + t2()
     | }
<console>:6: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type Class1 does not conform to TraitB1's selftype TraitB1 with TraitA
       class Class1 extends TraitB1 {

scala> class Class2 extends TraitB1 with TraitA {
     |   def t1() = "Class2.t1"
     |   override def toString() = "Class2: " + t1() + " " + t2()
     | }
defined class Class2

scala> new Class2
res0: Class2 = Class2: Class2.t1 TraitB1.t2 !Class2.t1!

scala> class Class3 extends TraitB2 {
     |   def t1() = "Class3.t1"
     |   override def toString() = "Class3: " + t1() + " " + t2()
     | }
defined class Class3

scala> new Class3
res1: Class3 = Class3: Class3.t1 TraitB2.t2!Class3.t1!

Class1 extends TraitB1, the trait that used the explicit self type. The class defines t1(), so all the necessary implementation is there, but the compile fails anyway. The explicit self type says that “this” must be of type TraitA but neither Class1 nor TraitB1 extends TraitA, so even though the t1() method is supplied, “this” cannot have type TraitA for Class1 because Class1 does not inherit from TraitA.

Class2 and Class3 compile and run just fine. Class2 is identical to Class1 except that it mixes in TraitA. Since it is declared “with TraitA” the explicit self type is satisfied because “this” can have type TraitA.

Class3 is identical to the others except that it extends TraitB2. TraitB2 is declared as extending TraitA, so Class3 compiles because it indirectly inherits from TraitA.

Use explicit self types with care! They can be a little dangerous if you use them to subvert Scala’s compile-time type checking. For example:

trait StringMaker {
  def makeString(): String

class DoesntCompile extends StringMaker {
  override def toString() = "DoesntCompile " + makeString

class Compiles {
  self: StringMaker =>
  override def toString() = "Compiles " + makeString

The first class is declared as extending StringMaker, but it doesn’t implement the makeString method. This class fails to compile, and rightly so. The compiler does its job and warns you that the class won’t work.

The second class includes an explicit self type. The class named Compiles says that it must be a StringMaker. Now, it says this internally, not externally. The class declaration says nothing about StringMaker. Any code that used the Compiles class wouldn’t know that it’s supposed to be a StringMaker. The class compiles but when you try to instantiate it you get an exception. Not only is it an exception, it’s a NullPointerException which crashes my interpreter (!!!) which makes me think this may be a bug.

Time to Self Actualize

My solution to the problem was a combination of the “class X extends Ordered[X]” idiom and the explicit self type. Here it is:

  abstract class Dimension[T](val value: Double, val name: String, val coef: Double) {
    self: T =>
    protected def create(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double): T
    def +(x: Dimension[T]): T = create(value + coef * x.value / x.coef, name, coef)
    override def toString(): String = value + " " + name

  class Time(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double) extends
        Dimension[Time](value, name, coef) {
    protected def create(a: Double, b: String, c: Double) = new Time(a, b, c)

  class Length(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double) extends
        Dimension[Length](value, name, coef) {
    protected def create(a: Double, b: String, c: Double) = new Length(a, b, c)

  class Mass(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double) extends
        Dimension[Length](value, name, coef) {
    protected def create(a: Double, b: String, c: Double) = new Length(a, b, c)

This compiles just fine except for the last class, which I included to demonstrate that the compiler enforces conformance to the explicit self type. Every class that extends Dimension[X] must itself be an X. That enforces the rule I wanted. Here’s the compiler error for the last class.

$ scalac Units.scala
Units.scala:19: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type Mass does not conform to Dimension[Length]'s selftype Dimension[Length] with Length
        Dimension[Length](value, name, coef) {
one error found

That basically says if you want to extend Dimension[Length] then you better be a Length yourself.

Considering that when I had investigated this problem for about 10 minutes I was nearly ready to call it impossible, this is a surprisingly simple and not too cryptic solution. Plus, it’s a usage of explicit self types that I hadn’t seen before. I wonder, in fact, why the Ordered[A] trait itself doesn’t use this trick.

As a bonus, here’s a sneak peek at part of my Units library so far.

  abstract class Dimension[T](val value: Double, val name: String, val coef: Double) {
    self: T =>
    protected def create(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double): T
    def +(x: Dimension[T]): T = create(value + coef * x.value / x.coef, name, coef)
    def -(x: Dimension[T]): T = create(value - coef * x.value / x.coef, name, coef)
    override def toString(): String = value + " " + name

  class Time(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double) extends
        Dimension[Time](value, name, coef) {
    protected def create(a: Double, b: String, c: Double) = new Time(a, b, c)

  class Length(value: Double, name: String, coef: Double) extends
        Dimension[Length](value, name, coef) {
    protected def create(a: Double, b: String, c: Double) = new Length(a, b, c)

  abstract class TimeUnit(name: String, coef: Double) {
    def apply(value: Double) = new Time(value, name, coef)
    def apply(orig: Time) = new Time(0, name, coef) + orig

  object Second   extends TimeUnit("seconds",    1.0)
  object Minute   extends TimeUnit("minutes",    1.0 / 60)
  object Hour     extends TimeUnit("hours",      1.0 / 3600)

  abstract class LengthUnit(name: String, coef: Double) {
    def apply(value: Double) = new Length(value, name, coef)
    def apply(orig: Length) = new Length(0, name, coef) + orig

  object Meter      extends LengthUnit("meters",      1.0)
  object Inch       extends LengthUnit("inches",      1.0 / .0254)
  object Foot       extends LengthUnit("feet",        1.0 / .0254 / 12)

And here’s what it looks like in the interpreter:

scala> val length1 = Meter(3)
length1: Length = 3.0 meters

scala> val length2 = Foot(4.5)
length2: Length = 4.5 feet

scala> length1 + length2
res0: Length = 4.3716 meters

scala> length2 + length1
res1: Length = 14.34251968503937 feet

scala> Inch(length1 + length2)
res2: Length = 172.11023622047244 inch

scala> val time1 = Second(90)
time1: Time = 90.0 seconds

scala> val time2 = Hour(.75)
time2: Time = 0.75 hours

scala> Minute(time2)
res3: Time = 45.0 minutes

scala> time1 + length1
<console>:14: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Length
 required: Dimension[Time]
       time1 + length1
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